1. We believe the Bible to be the inspired, infallible, authoritative Word of God. (II
Timothy 3:16; II Peter 1:21, II Timothy 1:13, Psalm 119:10; 160; 12:6, Proverbs 30:5)
2. We believe there is one God, eternally existent in the three persons: Father, Son, and
Holy Spirit. (Genesis 1:1; John 10:30, 37, 38; Matthew 3:16,17, 28:19)
3. We believe in the deity and humanity of our Lord Jesus Christ, in His virgin birth, in
His sinless life, in His shed blood, in His bodily resurrection, in His ascension to the right
hand of the Father, and in His visible return in power and glory. (Isaiah 7:14; Matthew
1:23; Hebrews 4:15, 7:25, 9:12; John 2:11, 11:25; Colossians 1:14; Acts 1:11; Revelation
4. We believe that all humanity is lost and sinful, and that salvation is received by the
grace of God through personal faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and by the act of
regeneration of life by the Holy Spirit. (Romans 3:19, 23; John 3:16, 19; Ephesians 2:8, 9;
Genesis 3:5, 6; John 4:24)
5. We believe in the spiritual unity of believers in our Lord Jesus Christ. (Romans 8:9; I
Corinthians 12:12, 13; Galatians 3:26, 28)
6. We believe that support and participation in the task of fulfilling the great commission
is the responsibility of all believers in our Lord Jesus Christ. (Matthew 28:19-20)
7. We believe that God wonderfully and immutably creates each person as male or
female. These two distinct, complementary genders together reflect the image and nature
of God. (Gen. 1:26-27.) Rejection of one’s biological sex is a rejection of the image of
God within that person.
8. We believe that the term marriage has only one meaning: a covenant relationship
between one man, one woman, and God Himself, as defined in Scripture. (Gen 2:18-25.)
*Our Statement of Faith is not exhaustive of all of our beliefs. The Bible, as the inspired
and infallible Word of God, speaks with absolute authority regarding the proper conduct
of mankind and is the unchanging foundation for all belief and behavior.